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Why Beauty Trends Aren’t Working For You: Achieving Your Perfect Look

Why Beauty Trends Aren’t Working For You: Achieving Your Perfect Look

Why Beauty Trends Aren’t Working For You: Achieving Your Perfect Look

  • Oct 08, 2024

I don’t think I’m the only one who has tried to follow a beauty trend and felt like the results don’t match the makeup tutorial. Of course, the average influencer or makeup artist has skills, products, or brushes we don’t always have at home, but there could be other reasons the trends aren’t working for you. As women, we’re quick to blame ourselves for not being able to get the same results as a 20-year-old with a beauty filter and a ring light. We wanted to break that thought process down and find a real, workable solution, so we spoke with UK-based makeup artist Ariane Poole about her experience in the industry and her take on achieving the look you want.

Beauty Tips From Social Media Are NOT Always Your Friend

Ariane Poole is a social media maven herself, so she’s not here to tell anyone to swear off using social media to discover beauty tips or even update their beauty regimen. Social media can provide us with useful resources and great inspiration, but it’s important to understand the limitations of these resources, too.

If you’re trying to achieve a particular look and it’s not happening for you, consider whether the tips or products you’re using are best suited to your demographic. Differences in skin texture, skin tone, and even eye and hair color can impact the results you end up with. Ariane also highlights that many influencers are young and may not have the experience (or the right skin texture) to speak on specific products – if you’re looking to an 18-year-old for advice about anti-aging creams, you’re probably not going to find out about products that work for 40-year-olds.

Beauty trends that you see on social media are also sometimes started by companies to promote their makeup products. That doesn’t make them less fun! But this is one of the ways they market to potential customers. It’s perfectly fine if you find your new favorite product through a trend, but we as consumers need to think carefully about what products are suitable for us and make informed decisions.

How To Choose The Right Beauty Products

Beauty products today come in every possible shape, size, and packaging. We don’t want to get caught up in the hype or buy something just because it’s trending, so what rules can we follow to ensure we pick products that don’t just take up space in our vanities? 

Ariane Poole’s suggestion for all of her clients is to focus on the one thing you would change if you could change anything about your appearance. Think about the insecurity that looms the largest when you stand in front of your mirror in the morning, and just imagine you can make that one small change and get a result you’re truly happy with.

Rosacea is a condition that causes redness or flushing, and it is Ariane’s biggest struggle when applying her own makeup. When we had Ariane as a guest on our podcast, she took her foundation off on video to show our audience the power of a natural-looking foundation. It was astounding to see. Her rosacea is the one thing she wishes she could change, and she always asks her clients, what’s yours? This gives you a place to start when searching for a product you can’t live without.

Beauty Tips For Your Face Shape and Age

Trending beauty tips that showcase the features you want to highlight are great, but sometimes they’re not the answer. One of the things we love most about supporting people on their beauty journey is helping each person develop the skills to tailor their health and beauty regimen to suit their own needs.

The correct way to apply blush is just one example of a seemingly simple makeup tip that should apply to everyone, but according to Ariane Poole, that isn’t the case. A recent trend suggests that people place blush high above their cheekbones, but for many face shapes, this makes the lower half of the face appear saggy instead of highlighted. Ariane rails against this trend, not because it’s bad for everyone, but because she knows her clients have attempted it, and itleft them feeling less confident. Even though it isn’t trendy, putting blush on the apples of your cheeks looks beautiful for rounder or more heart-shaped faces. Don’t be afraid to go against the trends if it helps you feel more confident!  

Look Your Best and Feel Your Best

If you want to look your best, Ariane says it’s important to feel your best. For more from Ariane, listen to Episode 001 of our podcast, Nourify and Beautify [hyperlink to episode page on website]. Confidence is beautiful, and whether you’re looking for the latest skincare products, supplements, or surgical options, the most important thing is that you choose something that supports your overall health. This kind of confidence comes from taking care of yourself and choosing safe products according to science and not just your favorite influencer. Every week on Nourify and Beautify, we bring you an inside look into the health, wellness, and beauty industries so you can make those informed decisions for yourself.



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